Information for patients
This ability is restricted when people suffer from a malignant disease. By means of an innovative laboratory method (developed by MedInnovation GmbH), values can be obtained from a blood sample, which describe the functionality of albumin. So nearly all types of cancer can be detected with a sensitivity of about 90%, but that also means that about 10% of patient with cancer could not be detected. The albumin-functionality-test shows a specificity of about 90%, but that also means that about 10% of healthy people could be diagnosed with cancer by mistake.
Unfortunately, so far we are not yet able to determine the location/type of the cancer.
The albumin-functionality-test is not designed to give a final diagnosis, because single lab values usually show limited significance. Mostly they should be interpreted related to other values and over the course of time.
The albumin-functionality-test is suitable for therapy monitoring of a known malignant disease, as well as for early detection of a relapse after completion of cancer therapy.
The albumin-functionality-test is suitable for early detection of cancer in populations with elevated risk of cancer, like people which are in contact with carcinogenic substances or have an accumulation of cancer in their family history. Due to missing information about the location of the cancer, it is inadvisable to use the albumin-functionality-test in a screening situation.
The albumin-functionality-test is a good method for early cancer detection, but it cannot offer absolute certainty. No isolated test can replace a regular control of a physician, but can usefully complete it.
To carry out the albumin-functionality-test, a blood sample of at least 2ml is necessary. The blood withdrawal can take place in our lab or you can ask your doctor to do so and he will send the sample to our lab. Please call us to make an appointment or to talk about further important information for your doctor.
You should not have had any surgical procedures or inflammatory diseases about 4 weeks before the test, because these can affect the test result.
The diagnostic result (DR value) gives a statement about the probability of the presence of an active malignant disease. In case of a DR value less than 1.0, an active malignant disease exists or emerges with high probability. In case of a DR value higher than 1.0, a high probability of no malignant disease exists. In a threshold range from 0.8 to 1.2 is still a high risk of presence of a malignant disease. This result should be verified after 1 to 3 month by repeating the test.
The further three values called transport parameters, will be considered in case of a DR value in the threshold range, to give an information, if there is any influence of an inflammation or medication. (BE – binding efficiency, RTQ – real transport quality, DTE – detoxification efficiency)
For risk groups and in case you might have received a non-cancer result, we recommend an annual repetition of the albumin-functionality-test.